Who are we?
Locus Adventist is a visible, missional ecosystem, where people grow their faith; anchored in Christ.
As part of the global Seventh-Day Adventist movement, we are passionate about creating a world where hope and meaning thrive.
If you are new to faith, for keen to explore more, please connect with us or discover our community.
If you are interested in fnding out more about our missional movement, including training, resources and development: contact us here
Gatherings | Worship
Every Saturday morning, our collective groups get together for a day of worship and reflection.
Where do you meet?
We gather in a home-base.
Bi-monthly, we have a special gathering where we contribute and collaborate with our surrounding community on special projects.
Who can attend?
If you would like to visit our Gatherings, please contact us here.
Collectives | Faith-Based Community
On a weekly basis, we have a variety of small collective groups that build community through study and sharing.
Where do you meet?
Different Locations across Melbourne.
When do you meet?
Our collectives are usually on Friday nights starting with dinner.
Who can attend?
Everyone is invited to our Collectives. If you are searching for a faith community, please connect with us here.
Crave Groups | Discovery
Some crave better health and fitness, others crave financial stability, vocational advancement or meaning and purpose. Find accountability and like-minded friends on your journey.
What sort of Crave groups are there?
Our Crave groups are based around 5 dimensions: health & fitness, vocation, finances, relationships and meaning. There are different ways, activities and experiences we curate and explore together.
How do I find out more?
Discover more on our social media channels or ask to join our Discord community hub.